Gift of Fear

Dear UR,

I received your letter and do not understand it…

We have NEVER been taught to “FEAR” God. We have been taught to go to Sunday School, to Youth Groups, and then on to Church where we listen to The Pastor of our denomination (as you said, there are many).

We are also taught to give our Tithes and Offerings faithfully or we’ll be robbing God and cursed with a curse; of course there are many Special Offerings, we give to them too.

Every Pastor, Minister, and Evangelist on TV tells us to give to them and buy their books, tapes, DVD’s and tickets to their next Crusade. You know if you buy them early you’ll get good seats and special rates at participating Hotels and Restaurants!

…no one mentions “FEAR”!!!

When we get there we sing, worship and listen to the Speakers. We laugh and hug each other and have a good time fellow-shipping and of course – we pay again – we have been taught to do that too.

Everyone sows their best seed into these… Ministries. They all seem to be wealthy and happy. Isn’t that what You promised, health and prosperity? Most of their buildings are just faaaaaabulous!!!

So I ask again…

Where does “FEAR” come in?


Your Pastor

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