Come to The Table

We are doubly blessed; as Jesus said, for we have treasure from both the Old and New Testaments. We have chosen to eat at the table – «The Scriptures» – You have provided for us in the presence of our enemies. We found Your words, and did eat them; and Your word is unto us the joy and rejoicing

Hath God Said?

Greetings to all at Mount Zion, and Our Father, c/o Our Lord Jesus Christ Well, Father, we are gathered together as Paul instructed us! After MUCH prayer and debate, we are all of one accord. We are SET for the defence of The Gospel! One of our group said, “We are not only set for […]

The Image of God?

Dear Children, Brothers and Sisters, Beloved of Me, Jesus, Paul, and all the apostles, Joy in Heaven and Earth!!! Finally you are reading and studying for yourselves. As “The Truth” is in Jesus so it is beginning to be in you. It is to My delight to find this proof in your most precious letter […]

The Gospel sent to the Gentiles!

Dear Jesus, we come to you and by you to Our Heavenly Father, We your people thank you for this privilege of honor, and joy, and revelation of Truth. We have assembled ourselves together, and after all our prayers, debates and yes, even arguments we have finally come to One Conclusion! We have not EVER […]