Why are You going to a Building?

Dear Pastor, Family, Friends, and all who have joined your group, First let me assure you, you are not lost. I know exactly who and where you are; for I know My own. The bigger question is do you know who you really are, where you are, and who I AM? Romans 8:16 says, We […]

Pleasing the Father

Dear U R, Wow! What an eye opener… more than just food for thought, it is as Jeremiah said, “Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts” Jeremiah 15:16 […]

Sinners Prayer Unplugged

Dear Pastors, Family and Friends Joy on Earth and in Heaven! Angels there are rejoicing over An Ear to the Ground and your last letter has brought much joy to us here. Your asking of Me is the fulfillment of My promise in Jeremiah 31:34 and follows in Jesus’ footsteps (John 8:26 & 28) whom […]

Gift of Understanding

Dear U R, We received Your last letter and are struggling mightily over it. Most of it flies in the face of the CONVENTIONAL WISDOM we have been taught and certainly have believed for years, from our youth until now. So just as the early Christians met with questions and oppositions we are finding it […]