Second Coming has Already Passed!

“A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return.” Jesus received His Kingdom and Returned as the Holy Ghost […]

The Anointing

God Anointed Jesus. As Christ — The Anointed One — He proclaimed it to the church, and proved its Truth and Reality by the Words he spoke and the Works he did! His actions proved his Anointing […]

Christ’s House – You!

When asked how He would reveal Himself to us and not the world, Jesus said, «My Father and I will make our home with you!» Families live in HOMES, not Churches, Temples, or Tabernacles!

Yet, go to any Church service in a man-made building, and they say, «Welcome to the house of God.» When the Last Trumpet sounds and we meet Christ in the air, it will be us — His Church, not Man-made Church Buildings […]

Twenty Questions!

Twenty Questions for all Pastors, Teachers, Televangelists, and Profits…Thoughts of confusion, or just outright lies from the enemy?
1. How can I listen God if you are talking? […]