Why Bad Things happen to Good People!

The concept of ignorance has social and legal implications. The legal principle that ignorantia juris non excusat, literally “ignorance of the law is no excuse”, stands for the proposition that the law applies also to those who are unaware of it […]

The Darkness of this World…

You gave the name of our “Holy Father” to an Evil man, and for years now have called mere “Unregenerate” men “Father”! Now we see this “Holy Father” as he is, one who hid and protected his own evil kind, Child Molesters — Pedophiles […]

Kingdom over Kingdom!

Have you read and believed Christ’s Words: “The works that I do, shall you do, and greater works than these shall you do”? Are you doing His works and greater? Or…Are you sitting on your Butt and giving your money to Satan’s Ministers […]

The Image of God?

Dear Children, Brothers and Sisters, Beloved of Me, Jesus, Paul, and all the apostles, Joy in Heaven and Earth!!! Finally you are reading and studying for yourselves. As “The Truth” is in Jesus so it is beginning to be in you. It is to My delight to find this proof in your most precious letter […]