Gift of Understanding

Dear U R,

We received Your last letter and are struggling mightily over it.

Most of it flies in the face of the CONVENTIONAL WISDOM we have been taught and certainly have believed for years, from our youth until now.

So just as the early Christians met with questions and oppositions we are finding it true among ourselves as well. Among our group one said, “What is this so called new doctrine of secrets and mystery.”

Another spoke up and said, “It is not new. It has been there for over two thousand years and we are just now seeing and hearing it.”

Even my best friend challenged me face to face, “Who ever heard of this so called scripture; a secret kept from the world before it’s foundation, in any of our SEMITARIES or CHURCH DOCTRINES?”

I replied, “NO ONE HAS, and yet it is written, and we THE CHURCH were supposed to show it to the world; all the different aspects of the wisdom of God as Ephesians 3:10 states – we haven’t, as you well know.”

God says, we are not destroyed for lack of faith, but for LACK OF KNOWLEDGE (Hosea 4:6).

UR, we are searching, and are beginning to feel that your promise of seek and you shall find (Matthew 7:5), could just be true. Your letters to us prove Your faithfulness and truthfulness, so far… but we are thankful even as we struggle, continue to search and wonder about it all.

In our midst was an old man of God, a dear friend, who spoke to us all and said, “God will give you revelation knowledge as He did to all of His children since the beginning of time. This is the whole purpose of creation, a Father teaching His sons and daughters. Loving, laughing, eating and drinking, singing and working together for His plan of salvation. What else is there?”

He certainly gave us some food for thought. Before He left, he gave us two scriptures to think about; one relates to Your last letter of the cross, the other is about our future fellowship with You. With a warm smile, that warmed us all he gave us Isaiah 34:5 For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment. This proves Jesus’ statement in John 16:11, Now the prince of this world is judged.

The next one was Isaiah 34:16, the shortest sermon I have ever heard from him. Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read.

We all know he never went to any SEMITARY SCHOOL or any CHRISTIAN COLLEGE yet he gave us all a simple statement of faith coupled with obedience. He gave us a better understanding of the Cross of Christ then You did because he had sought and found it from You first. And as he said SEEK AND READ we know how much we need people who KNOW YOU and not just Your Word, people who have a personal relationship with You, Father and son, Father and daughter. We know that we need this ourselves, so we too can understand it is not from man but from You!

Paul tells us, The Son of God has come and given us an understanding (1 John 5:20). So our request to You, made with praise and thanksgiving (Philippians 4:6), is that this word of Your promise will be fulfilled in us and that we will be enabled to give it to our brothers and sisters who are as hungry for the True and Living God as we are…

Your Pastors, Family, and Friends

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  1. Thanks for the information may the Lord countinue giving you knowledge

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