House of God or House of Merchandise?

Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and them that bought; Saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house is the house of prayer: but you have made it a den of thieves'” […]

Christ’s House – You!

When asked how He would reveal Himself to us and not the world, Jesus said, «My Father and I will make our home with you!» Families live in HOMES, not Churches, Temples, or Tabernacles!

Yet, go to any Church service in a man-made building, and they say, «Welcome to the house of God.» When the Last Trumpet sounds and we meet Christ in the air, it will be us — His Church, not Man-made Church Buildings […]

Twenty Questions!

Twenty Questions for all Pastors, Teachers, Televangelists, and Profits…Thoughts of confusion, or just outright lies from the enemy?
1. How can I listen God if you are talking? […]

Kingdom over Kingdom!

Have you read and believed Christ’s Words: “The works that I do, shall you do, and greater works than these shall you do”? Are you doing His works and greater? Or…Are you sitting on your Butt and giving your money to Satan’s Ministers […]