Massacre in Tuscon

People are looking for the motive this man in Arizona needed to Massacre innocent people! He did not need a motive, he was born a Child of the Devil with the nature of the Devil – Kill, Steal, and Destroy […]

Are You Born Again?

It is not enough to reply, «I belong to the church” or “I’m a Good Person…» Thousands of Casual, Carnal, Nominal Christians show none of the signs of being Born Again which the Scriptures have given us […]

The Image of God?

Dear Children, Brothers and Sisters, Beloved of Me, Jesus, Paul, and all the apostles, Joy in Heaven and Earth!!! Finally you are reading and studying for yourselves. As “The Truth” is in Jesus so it is beginning to be in you. It is to My delight to find this proof in your most precious letter […]

America Repent and Pray

Reflecting on the demonstrations held across America on Monday it is clear to see that these ILLEGAL ALIENS have no respect for the laws of our land or the laws of our God; for He has said, “Obey the government, for God is the one who put it there. All governments have been placed in […]